hi- I am passing this on since our class is part of the ZTC program here at BMCC.
Are you a BMCC student who is taking or has taken a course that DID NOT require you to purchase a textbook, online homework platform, or other course materials (aka Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) course)?
If so, we invite you to share your thoughts about the experience and importance of your Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) cost course(s) by completing this survey by Sunday, March 8:
Students who participate in the survey will be entered in a raffle for six (6) $50 Amazon gift cards.
At the end of the survey, you will be asked if you are interested in being interviewed on camera. Your answer will not affect your entry in the survey raffle. Students who are interested in and are selected for an on-camera interview will receive $100 Amazon gift cards.
Your responses will help the BMCC Library promote Zero Textbook Cost courses with students and recruit more instructors to create courses that don’t require students to purchase textbooks.
If you have any questions about the survey or Zero Textbook Cost courses, email the ZTC/OER team at [email protected].
Thank you!